Business Forecast for the New Moon in Taurus {May 2021}

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 marks the new moon in Taurus.

The new moon is the restart of the monthly cycle and a new start. The lowest energetic point of the month, it’s a great time to internally reflect and plan for the month ahead. During this time, it can be helpful to ask yourself: what do you want to feel + accomplish in the cycle ahead? How can you lay the groundwork?

When combined with the current moon sign in Taurus, the new moon combines reflection and rest with patience and persistence. Taurus is an earth sign and fixed sign — it represents the middle of the season (spring), holding steady, and being realistic and rooted . Taurus is all about holding steady, and being persistent yet patient. It’s the perfect time to pause and smell the roses (metaphorical or real — it’s spring, after all!).

This is a time to turn inward and consider if there’s any relationships, projects, or other tasks you are looking to recommit to and remain steadfast in completing. Taurus welcomes abundance, and it’s time to think down-to-earth, yet reach beyond what you normally would. Earth signs are practical, and this goal or intention should be as well. Taurus also revels in small pleasures, so take note of the positives and enjoyments in this project, even if it’s something you’d don’t normally enjoy.

In the coming days, take some time to reflect on the energy and season we are in, and create a goal or intention that you will carry through the month ahead.

If you love the idea of planning with the moon, registration is also for New Moon Visioning, a monthly membership to reflect on the month past and plot intentional business goals for the month ahead.

New Moon Visioning includes in-depth full and new moon reflection guides, and a monthly virtual moon circle to help you plot and plan your month ahead in alignment with your energetic ebbs and flows.