My Top Tips for Combating Imposter Syndrome

Starting a business in 2021 or pivoting in a new direction? Imposter syndrome— the feeling that you’re not good enough to do something— may be getting you down. But you’re not alone. When you’re a business owner, standing up on your own as the thought leader of your brand, it’s scary to position yourself as an expert, even if you have all the necessary skills and qualifications.

In a traditional job setting, you don’t have to be the face of your business, that person putting those big ideas into the world. It’s not so easy to put yourself out there.

If you’ve taken the time to align, educate yourself, and make sure this is the right step for you (and you’ve got the qualifications to be in your space!), read on for my top tips for combating imposter syndrome.

1. Journal out why you’re passionate about what you do.

Whether you’re a photographer who’s passionate about photographing weddings or starting a nonprofit dedicated to saving our planet, this exercise will work for you. Start by writing out a list of why you’re passionate about what you do. What drives you? What is that purpose deep down that keeps you going? What skills and qualifications do you have? 

Not only does a list like this boost your confidence but it also reminds you why you’re right for the job and why you’re the only one that can drive your ideas forward.

2. Recognize your imposter syndrome triggers.

Get close to the problem and recognize where, when, and how you’re getting triggered. Does imposter syndrome crop up when you’re scrolling through social media and see other folks doing something similar to you? Is it live events that make you feel underqualified or unworthy? Be comfortable noticing the ways that you are triggered by your own feelings so you can either avoid those places or brainstorm some ways to show up meaningfully without the imposter syndrome.

When you’re showing up, create a mantra for yourself with the core message that you are not only qualified but also an expert in what you do. If you need to unfollow people who make you feel bad about yourself, don’t hesitate to do so. Your target audience isn’t living on someone else’s Instagram feed. Own the space that you’re in and let that be a comparison-free space where you can feel good about your choices.

3. Ask clients why they love working with YOU.

Still struggling to release imposter syndrome? Ask your clients why they love working with you. Not only is this a great exercise to go through if you’re updating your website or garnering some social proof for your social media but it also empowers you in your business. After you gather testimonials, you’ll remember why you’re great at what you do but it will also give you the data you need to know why your audience is drawn to you. As a brand, it never hurts to know what you’re bringing to the table. Testimonials can serve as a constant reminder of our gifts and the ways we help our clients through our skills.

It’s always a great idea to ask someone what they enjoyed about working with you at the end of a project but you can always return to your clients later in the future after some time has gone by, too.